use the steps below to have the vendor link inside PDP to lead to a collection page that shows only the selected brand
1. create a new collection in Shopify with all products and name it 'all vendors'
2. add a upsell & cross-sell snippet inside the PDP
3. include the below script (you may need to change the querySelectorAll values):
const BRAND_NARROW = "Vendor";
var isp_related_options = {
isp_related_callback: function() {
console.log("related_callback is running");
/* All-Vendors */
var aVendors = document.querySelectorAll('div.product-title span.vendor a[href][title]');
[].forEach.call(aVendors, function(a) {
var ispHref = a.getAttribute('href');
var v = (ispHref.match(/\?q\=(.*)/gi)[0]).replace(/\?q\=(.*)/gi, '$1');
var narrow = [[BRAND_NARROW,v]];
ispHref = ispHref.toLowerCase().replace(/\/vendors\?/gi,'/all-vendors?');
ispHref = ispHref.toLowerCase().replace(/\?q\=(.*)/gi, '');
ispHref += `?narrow=${JSON.stringify(narrow)}`;
} // Recommendations rendered